role: Oberon - King of the Fairies
ActorsNET of Bucks County
directed by Cheryl Doyle
March 6 - 22, 2015
book by Joseph Dougherty, music by Stephen Flaherty and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens
role: Alan Swann
ActorsNET of Bucks County
directed by Cheryl Doyle
May 29 - June 14, 2015
role: Andrew Undershaft
also co-director
ActorsNET of Bucks County
Cheryl Doyle = co-director
October 23 - November 8, 2015
set design by George Hartpence
Joe Kemp - the artist & our set scenic designer
Stuart Duncan writes for the Princeton Packet TimeOff entertainment section:
One of the most satisfying Shakespeare shows in many years.
…a superb cast — led by the veteran couple George Hartpence and Carol Thompson, as Oberon, the Fairy King and his Queen, Titania. Both actors are so confident and powerful that the work is never in danger of losing focus.
read the full review below:
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' _ CentralJersey.com_review (pdf)
Neal Zorn - local blogger on all thing entertaining and cultural - writes in his blog about this production.
Anthony Stockert of the Princeton Packet says:"...the actors in this show do a terrific job of capturing these characters while not ripping off the actors who played them in the movie. These actors also bring terrific comic timing to the script..." "starring King Kaiser, a man with big talent and an even bigger ego (wonderfully played by Steve Lobis)" "Alan Swann (George Hartpence, who is perfect in the role)...(supposedly based on Errol Flynn) is a legend..." "Susan Fowler does a terrific job as Belle Steinberg Carroca." "Susan Blair shines as Alice, the only female writer on Kaiser’s staff." "Jeff Dworkin stands out as Sy, the beleaguered head writer."
And what about the music? “Welcome to Brooklyn,” is a hoot as Benjy’s relatives sing the praises of the borough. Mr. Hartpence leads the ensemble through a rousing number called “Manhattan” and Ms. Blair and Mr. Lobis are just terrific with “Professional Showbizness Comedy.” "The music is provided by five very good musicians, led by Peter de Mets."
Singing, dancing, laughter, tears, romance, swashbuckling action, spectacular costumes... so what more could you want?
George Hartpence as Alan Swann
Alex Smyk as Benjy Stone
Steve Lobis as King Kaiser
Elizabeth Rzasa as K.C. Downing
Susan Blair as Alice Miller
Jeff Dworkin as Sy Benson
Jim Cordingley as Herb Lee
George Agalias as Leo Silver
Susan Fowler as Belle Mae Steinberg
Steve Pie as Rookie Carrocca
Marco Newton as Uncle Morty
Kimmy Graham as Tess
Chris Learn as Doorman
Ensemble (Alphabetically)
Evan Bilinski
Jim Flynn
Connor Learn
Jessica Mousley
Emily O'Sullivan
Heather Parton
Hayley Rubins-Topoleski
Maryalice Rubins-Topoleski
and Joy Woffindin
Director: Cheryl Doyle
Producer: Susan Fowler
Music Direction: Peter de Mets
Choreography: Maryalice Rubins-Topoleski
Fencing Master: Mark Holbrow
Stage Manager: Kelly Allen
Asst. Stage Mgr: Julie McMillan
Set Design: Cheryl Doyle
Lighting Design: Andrena Wishnie
Costumes: Ruth Schanbacher with Anthony Remer
Check out this great video - Inside the ActorsNET - Major Barbara
Anthony Stoeckert writes for the Princeton Packet TimeOff entertainment section:
It’s an impressive production, with some top-notch acting, fine direction and impressive sets.
Mr. Hartpence does fine work as Andrew, playing him a bit sheepish about confronting his family after all this time, but steadfast in his pride in his work and wealth. He is biting with some of Andrew’s most pointed observations …and also delivers some of the play’s funniest lines.
Ms. Thompson shines as Lady Britomart, perfectly capturing a sense of proper class. She’s also steadfast in her conviction that she knows what’s right for her children. Lady Britomart’s opening scene with Stephen (well played by Mr. O’Rourke) is wonderfully funny …it’s delightful stuff.
This is a smart, well-acted production with fine direction from Cheryl Doyle and Mr. Hartpence. Mr. Hartpence also designed the set, with interchangeable pieces that create three locations, with Andrew’s munitions factory being the most impressive.
read the full review below:
Major Barbara_CentralJersey review (pdf)